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Russ Hudson Workshop - The Enneagram and Object Relations

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Fredag d. 20. september 2019 kl. 13:00 til søndag d. 22. september 2019 kl. 16:00


Torsdag d. 19. september 2019 kl. 12:00


DIGNITY, Bryggervangen 55, 2100 København Ø DIGNITY
Bryggervangen 55
2100 København Ø

Russ Hudson Workshop - The Enneagram and Object Relations


This new workshop will explore the Enneagram in the light of Object Relations - the psychological patterns known as a the core of ego structures in modern psychotherapy.

We will look at how these patterns determine many of our assumptions about ourselves and others - especially in relationships - and how awareness of these patterns can help us change from old and repetitious relationship structures to dynamic, real engagement with others in the living moment. In this workshop you will learn more about: 

  • How these essential psychological patterns creates assumptions, values and beliefs about ourselves and other and therefor influencing our behavior, emotional and cognitive ways of interacting especially in our close relationships.
  • How the Object Relations are building block for our personality and therefor also the creating or establishment of our Enneagram-type. We will explore how the early patterns are part of the psychological structure on which the Enneagram type is constructed during our childhood.
  • How the Inner Critic and SuperEgo messages are shaped by the Object Relations in very interconnected ways, giving you a very practical approach for working with your personal development and growth.

We will look at how these patterns arise in all of us, but how certain patterns are keys to unlocking the best potentials within our Enneagram type. At the workshop you will be able to identify your own Object Relation patterns gives you a deeper understanding of: 

  • Your deeper assumptions and beliefs about yourself and you in relationship to others.
  • The fundamental drivers behind your Enneagram type, and how to create balance in these drivers not to overcompensate your behavior.
  • Your wishes/demands in your close relationship, which can be balanced or overcompensated.
  • How your psychological patterns from the Object Relations shape your life-passion and purpose in life, and how the be more honest, courageous and true toward your personal WHY.
  • Create a sense of deeper relationship with yourself, and integrate your Enneagram type in ways, where you become more real and authentic towards your self and thereby also towards other.

 We will also explore methods for transforming these patterns into the qualities of our truest, deepest heart. The workshop will include instruction, centering practices, exercises, and music.

Workshop fee covers workshop materials, lunch and coffee/tea/water. The fee does not cover accommodation. 

(SIGNUP FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE: Remember to choose language in top right corner where it says 'sprog' before signing up)

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